Kanban panel in mail UI (SB-1133)
suggested by pmontagne on
27/09/2017, 09:24
I propose a Kanban panel (like Trello or Jira) in the mail UI.
In the email general UI, the user can activate new email list presentation.
This panel is kanban with 3 default columns:
- classic
- todo
- done
(the user can add new columns)
Typically, the user can work with 3 streams:
- classic emails, in classic interface
- he can drag and drop an email on te todo (on the backend side, the email is moved to a specific directory, like Airmail on macOS)
- he can drag and drop the mail from todo to done column (on the backend side, the email is moved to a specific directory)
we can link this kanban list with the task module, each email in todo is task with todo tag, etc.
this feature is a competitive differentiator
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